The Playworker Viviane Tabach invited Common Ground Residency by Collective WEBS for an acitivation at Tomás Saraceno’s installation “Play-Ground Spider/Web Vibration”
The activation featured the Fractal of Sound, Figure Loor Performance and the Shiftool.
Fig-ure Loor, as known by the people of southern Iran, also called the sacred fig (scientific name: Ficus religiosa), has an unusual life cycle. Its seeds are dispersed via bird droppings, which land on other trees. These seeds then sprout and send roots down toward the ground. As the branches spread and grow around the trunk of the host tree, they gradually suffocate it. Eventually, the host tree dies, and the sacred fig stands on its own. Fig-ure is a performance dedicated to this sacred tree and the necessity of life and death. Visitors are invited to take a piece of cloth and tie it to the tree as they make a wish.
The Shiftool is a giant kaleidoscope. It allows for an infinite number of differing visual perspectives. It encourages play and curiosity about change.
The Fractal of Sound is the same that was used in the workshop objects in exile. Here it is used do give kids a first encounter with the power of the voice, The playfulness that can come from what is built into our bodies and allow experimentation outside of traditional performance.