
Fractal of Sound

Drawing inspiration from Dr. David Anderson Hooker’s Fractal of generosity, the Fractal of Sound is an interactive installation allowing for vocal experimentation, celebration of loudness, reflection on the fractal effect and collective creation. It poses the questions; What can we make when we make together? How much energy can we make from the snowball effect of what already lies inside us each as individuals? What happens when we combine those? Why don’t i use my voice and what leads me to discomfort in experimenting with it?

The Fractal of sound for the underlands exhibtion is a simplified version of The Fractal of Sound from a previous workshop: Objects in Exile. This version is a simple technology, a microphone and delay pedal. Although not technically complex or difficult to make, it is an example of simplicity and its often overlooked effectiveness. The humble delay pedal may seem like an everyday tool for a musician but to the general public it is wondersome.

The soundscape of the exhibtion is created by the feet of its audience. Each with different roads traveled. Each having left different footprints in the sand but all walking upon the same earth. The floor is an invitation to make the space into one collective living body through instrumentation. Experimentation may happen as individuals, as a group or with strangers as the footprints lead you through the exhibition.

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On the opposite side of the wooden planks are contact microphones or pick-ups. They hear the sound from the contact of whatever is touching the wooden planks surface. The sound is then modulated through a software to produce the sound of bells and ambient shuffles.

Vibrating Floor

The Vibrational floor has two sub woofers attatched the the underside of the wood. These two speakers transmit a frequency at 39Hz in order to produce a vibration that travels from the feet and resonates throughout the entire body. It is covered with a layer of soil. Although you are underground, you are not encapsulated by soil. However, your body is still being embraced.

Many experiences so worthy of sharing are often the hardest to communicate. As you stand under the tree which we carried accross berlin for 3 hours, i wanted you to feel the energy that we felt in connection with one another during this time. Being in connection with another person forms an intangible tether. It is alive, it is power, it is vibration. It comes from the soil beneath all of our feet, flows through the body and into the space around you.

The Wormhole

To me a space of common ground is acceptance in not knowing and not understanding. We may not agree on how things are now, but we know we both want things to change. I am not sure how to build a societal structure that works, but i know that this now doesn’t work either. In accepting what we don’t know we are able to imagine new futures and landscapes. Something being seen as a difficult task can then seen as a creative endeavor with endless possibilities. It can be hopeful.

A wormhole is a theoretical distortion of space-time, a tunnel between two points in space that allows us to travel millions of light-years in seconds. Connecting us to futures at unknown distances, universes, and possibly different points in time. The wormhole invites you to take a leap of faith. The journey may be unstable. It may feel chaotic. Yet, within it, you may find solid ground.

The Wormhole is made of 6 different different types yarn. Each thread is attached to 3 sewn together pieces of burlap. The strands were inspired by the small threads that blow through the wind from tree worms and from moss and fungi like mycelium. As you move through the strands start out as green and as they become denser they also become more brown, white and fungi like. Representing the journey through the soil.

Please go to the Collective WEBS website to learn about the Common Grounds artist Residency https://www.collectivewebs.org/common-ground-residency

To read more about the underlands exhibition and a full list of artworks use the following link: https://readymag.website/u3903663140/4857328/


Radical Playgrounds at Gropius Bau


Workshop: Objects in Exile